Libby Rothfeld - Episode 62

Libby Rothfeld makes conceptually driven sculpture that combines found objects, photography and drawing, and built wood structures that are often covered with banal hardware store tiles and kitchen counter laminate. Libby talks about the varied ingredients in her studio practice, subdued and faded color palettes as suggestions of time, an interest in the peripheral of our world, formality as feeling, figure skating and the collisions between taste, choice and identity.

Libby Rothfeld, Whole Wide World (Grandpa Small), 2021, wood, acrylic paint, wood stain, cotton fabric, plastic, potted tree, gum, flagging, metal door hinge, 20 ½ × 51 × 42 ½”

Libby Rothfeld, Whole Wide World (Grandpa Small), 2021, wood, acrylic paint, wood stain, cotton fabric, plastic, potted tree, gum, flagging, metal door hinge, 20 ½ × 51 × 42 ½”